Our mission Church staff

  • Pastor Gordon Wong comes to Mission Church with 20 years of experience having served as the founding pastor of The Bridge Church of the Nazarene in Honolulu, HI.  The focus of Pastor Gordon's ministry is the development of authentic relationships.  This focus encompasses our relationship with God, our community, the Bible and our world.  Pastor Gordon also serves as the Graduate Chaplain at Point Loma Nazarene University where he serves the students and staff sharing his passion for; Jesus and building authentic relationships.   Gordon and his wife Rachelle are both graduates of Point Loma Nazarene University.  They have two daughters who also attended PLNU.  In his free time, you'll find Gordon at Mission Trails golf course or kayak fishing in the waters off San Diego.

    Gordon Wong


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  • Paul has been helping people discover God's will and purpose for their lives which has been a lifelong pursuit. Paul and his wife, Aleta, have served in a multitude of ministry assignments for over 50 years.  After 30 years of pastoral ministry to local churches, Paul began a new ministry career path in healthcare chaplaincy. They moved to San Diego in 2002, where, after his clinical training, he has served as a chaplain in hospitals, hospice, and county government. Paul's educational degrees include the following:      BA in Theology from Pasadena College (now Point Loma Nazarene University);     Masters in Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary;     BCC (Board Certification by the Association of Professional Chaplains).  Paul has served Mission Church as an associate pastor as well as starting his own publishing company, Amazing Grace Press.

    Paul Slater


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  • eric mcPherson

    administrative PASTOR

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  • Tait leeper

    Youth ministry Director

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  • Elizabeth Bergherm

    kids ministry director

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  • Evie has been with Mission Church for 3 years. Prior to Mission, she has served the Lord in Kids Ministry for twelve years, while also completing theology courses. She has degree in child development from San Diego State University and her Masters degree from Wheelock College. She also teaches Child Development at Grossmont College. She is now our Mission Valley Preschool Director. When she's not with Mission Kids, she is mom to two teenage girls, Makenzie and Brooke. She enjoys spending time at the beach, visiting local coffee shops, and hanging out with friends. Her passion is leading kids to Christ through outreaches and connections within the community!

    Evie kensel
    MNP Preschool Director

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  • Heather slater
    Worship Admin. Assistant

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  • Steve Horrex
    Director of Facilities

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Church Board Members

                                        Andrea Wolfe                                   Jerry Goodwin

                                        Barry Jones                                      Jim Bergherm

                                        Brad Teegarden                                John Langstraat

                                        Colleen Hartman                              Liz Horrex

                                        Don Romero                                      Paul Ward    

                                        Jerry Crosby                                     Vic Enchelmayer