Prayer for NAzarene Missions

NMI Emphasis

posted January 2025 by Nazarene Missions International

Nazarene Missions

Missionaries and their families are assigned to serve in diverse contexts and cultures in order to come alongside the national church, demonstrate the love of God, and to introduce others to Jesus Christ. Many forget that there are children and youth carrying out the mission of the church with their families. Nazarene Missions International is committed to the support of intergenerational missions through care and connection, one of NMI's five areas of impact.

NMI provides care and connection between Nazarene missionaries and local Churches of the Nazarene in a variety of ways.

NMI’s care and connection emphasis covers two key areas. "Care" includes NMI's nurturing, sending, and supporting Nazarene missionaries from Nazarene churches and districts. "Connection" consists of ways NMI connects and supports Nazarene missionaries, including Nazarene missionaries from Nazarene churches and districts, Links-assigned missionaries, and Nazarene missionaries visiting Nazarene churches and districts for deputation.

Currently, all six regions participate in providing care and connection between districts and Nazarene missionaries through Links. In some regions, the connection is between a district and a Nazarene missionary. In other regions, the connection is between a country or field and a Nazarene missionary.

  • In 2023, there were 482 missionaries originating from 59 world areas, serving in 83 countries. Of these missionaries, 319 served as global deployed and 163 were sponsored deployed. Last year, there were 41 new missionary deployments. Within these missionary families, there are 257 missionary children and youth.
  • Nazarenes gave US $4.7 million in deputation and missionary support offerings for missionaries.
  • Missionary Health Care provided US $353,677 in medical assistance for Nazarene missionaries through offerings, Memorial Roll gifts, and Distinguished Service Award gifts.


  • Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of the Links districts in supporting Nazarene missionaries. Links is a vital part of a wider NMI focus of providing care and connection to Nazarene missionaries.
  • Praise the Lord for the missionary families who leave the familiarity of their home country to help make Christlike disciples in the nations.


  • Pray for the missionary children and youth around the world as they deal with being from one culture yet serving in another.
  • Pray for 100 percent participation of districts in adopting Links missionaries.

NMI Snapshot

Links is part of NMI's emphasis on care and connection and is a Nazarene system to assist districts in providing additional care and connection to globally deployed Nazarene missionaries who are far from home. Each year, globally deployed Nazarene missionaries opt-in to participate with a district through Links. Links encourages us to "link together" through prayer and connection with Nazarene missionaries serving in every region.

“The regular communication and prayer support from our loved partners makes us feel connected and valued, even when we are far from home. This truly exemplifies the body of Christ in action, where each member contributes to the well-being of others, ensuring we can effectively carry out our mission work.

“We really enjoy connecting with districts and churches. We have made great connections in our 19 years on the field.

“We greatly appreciate the connections made through Links! The support through encouraging words and prayers are all tremendously important as we serve where God has planted us. 

Links began as Box Work on the Southern California USA district in 1916 and grew to become a vital part of NMI globally. In 1976, the Links program was introduced, expanding Box Work to include the adoption of a Nazarene missionary. It is anticipated that each Links participant (district/country/field and missionary) will faithfully participate in the following ways:

  • Pray for each other.
  • Communicate with each other at least three times a year.
  • The district/country/field will invite the Links missionary to speak at events in person or online. In-person invitations to speak do not need to be limited to the year of the Links assignment.

Care and connection through Links with missionaries can be a simple act of kindness. One USA/Canada district, West Texas, made a wonderful investment in the lives of some missionary youth on the Eurasia Region. One brother and sister duo received multiple birthday cards with small gifts. The senders went above and beyond by including personal notes to each of these youth. The value of the notes cannot be underestimated, as they referenced specific details of these young lives; whether it was a passionate hobby, their standing in school, or plans for university. One note even referenced a friend who had been ill.

This kind of connection helped these missionary youth to feel seen, known, encouraged, and valued. On behalf of the missionary families everywhere, we thank all Links districts around the world for the way they love, honor, and care for missionary families and the special ways they love our children and youth.

Thank you for investing in these front-line servants who represent you and your church around the world.

Did You Know?

In the early days of Links, there was an acronym associated with the word Links but it only worked in the English language. Nazarenes worship in over 200 languages each week and NMI is a global organization with leaders around the world. While NMI is no longer using the acronym, we are still using the word Links (not all caps) to encourage us to link together through prayer and connection with Nazarene missionaries serving in every region.