Click here for Nazarene Missions prayer requests
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving
Spend the first few moments praising God and giving thanks. Let’s not rush into asking for anything until we have recognized God’s goodness, faithfulness and favor in our lives.
Matthew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Pray for our family
- Children
- Spouses
Uncles, aunts, cousins and in-laws
- Church family
- Reconciliation, forgiveness, grace and growth
John 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
Pray over empty chairs / empty parking lot and sanctuary
(Pray through the rows of chairs) that God would fill the empty chairs in our church with new people who are seeking to know him as Savior and Lord
(Pray through the parking lot) that God would fill the parking lot of our church with new families
Pray for revival in our church
For the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in us
For the Church to recognize the presence of God in this place
For our worship to be authentic and glorifying to God
For the sermon to be heard, understood and transforming
For the salvation of souls
For growth of the body
For the maturity of our spirits
Psalm 145:18 The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
Prayer requests from Mission Church
- Upcoming Events at Mission Church - 10-day spiritual emphasis "Fast Like Daniel" begins Jan. 12, Blood Drive Jan. 12, Chili Cook-off Jan. 26.
- Pray for those dealing with the devastation of the LA wildfires
- City easement project on Mission Church property - that it would be a smooth process.
- Steve Murakami - recovering from a bicycling accident
- Cathy Brown has been in the hospital in Texas. Doctors have found a mass on her brain that has been confirmed as cancer. Treatment is underway while she is in Texas.
- Loretta Rugh (former member of Mission Church) had a bad fall and is in recovery
- Lorraine Benjamin fell and fractured her wrist. In the process more serious health issues were discovered. Requires a lot of care from family. Prayers for all involved.
- Jim Carney health issues
- Barb Goniatakis - Father has passed away in past weeks
- Noel Reynolds - prayer for recovery from a fall
- Beulah Crosby - health issues getting more difficult
- Pray for El Cajon New Life Church as they say goodbye to Pastor Dave Hazel (relocating to Oklahoma) and begin searching for a new senior pastor.
- Ian Rey - continued monitoring of medication, which has been difficult to balance in recent months. Praise that he has recently been able to return to church.
- Beth Smith recently fell and broke her arm very badly. Doctors have projected a 4-month recovery period.
- Marla Hashiguchi - pancreatic cancer diagnosis
- Lori Payton diagnosed with cancer. Has started chemo
- Bill Young's Daughter-in-Law has serious health concerns
- Jim Herber - Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, exploring treatment options
- Katie Parson's sister-in-law battling cancer and MS
- Victor Rivera - cousin Johannes Sequinot serious health issues.
- Father of Wanda Gonzales - health issues.
- Theron Friberg - ongoing treatment for cancer
- Bob Smith - nerve damage in eye after shingles, pain and vision issues
- Aleta Slater - Fatigue, auto-immune condition, monitoring heart murmur issues
- Paul Slater - hormonal treatment for cancer
- Chuck Downing - please pray for son and daughter-in-law, grandkids, difficult situation.
- Wanda Almgren - Pain due to severe arthritis
- Barbara Brittain - Curvature of the spine
Hebrews 5:7 During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.
Pray for Mission Church teachers, leaders and staff
Sunday School/Small Groups
- 100 - Jessica Torres - Young Families ("Bible for Families")
- 109 – Chuck Downing – Spirit Alive
- 110 – Paul Slater - Care N Share
201 – Young Adult Class - Chad and Andrea Wolfe
202 – College Class
203 – Cyndi Stockwell - Moms in Prayer
105 – preschool (Sundays) - Rachelle Wong, Deb Kirby
205 – Mission Youth – Nicole Fling, Alanna Bergherm, Jacy Triboulet, Tait Leeper, Ryan Enchelmayer, Jeff Birdsell
- 206 –Kids’ Church/Sunday School – Elizabeth Bergherm, Rachelle Wong, Deb Kirby
- 208 – Greg & Janet Crow – Wholehearted
- 209 - Future class
- 210 – Amanda Thurman – 7th Day Class
- Fellowship Hall – John Payton – Kingdom Builders
- Fireside Room – Elizabeth Bergherm - Harvest
James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Staff and Ministry Leaders
Children’s Ministry – Elizabeth Bergherm
Youth Ministry - Tait Leeper
College - Susan Brownlee
- Executive Administrator - Steve Horrex
Associate/Senior Adult – Paul Slater
Worship Arts – James Michaelian, Jeremy Watkin
- Senior Pastor – Gordon Wong
- Facilities – Aldo Osuna, Ron Ferback, George Smith
- Ministry Program Coordinator - Evelyn Quina
- Worship Coordinator Heather Slater
- Financial Secretary - Abigail Crosby
Church Board - Jim Bergherm, Jerry Crosby, Jerry Goodwin, Vic Enchelmayer, Liz Horrex, John Langstraat, Don Romero, Brad Teegarden, Paul Ward, Andrea Wolfe, NMI President Barry Jones, NDI Superintendent Colleen Hartman
Pray For Mission Nazarene Preschool
Students and families
Director: Evie Kensel
- Office Administrator/Teacher: TBD
Seals teachers: Carmen, Evelyn, Dulce, Shannon, Melissa, Lorraine
Snails teachers: Brianna, Angelica
Turtles teachers: Andrea, Denise V., Denise T.
Sea Stars teachers: Irma, Katie
Whales teachers: Mayra A., Brooke
Dolphins teachers: Yesica, Paige
- Sharks teachers: Danna, Adriana
- Jellyfish teachers: Wanda, Naomi
- Kitchen / Teacher: Rena
- Floater: Makenzie
James 5:13 Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.
Pray for San Diego
Pray for our nation
Pray for our world